March 06, 2012

The Clouds Parted

On Monday it rained nearly all day. Then the clouds parted and the sun shined in the late afternoon. Maggie and I headed out for a walk around the neighborhood. When we got home, I grabbed the camera and went to the garden.

There have been a bunch of Robins hanging around....maybe two dozen.

I heard (then saw) the first Rufous Hummingbird of the season. Their favorite treat isn't blooming yet, but it won't be long. They love Flowering Currant.

They also like Lungwort. It is starting to flower.

The Star Magnolia will bloom this month.

When the sun shines, Maggie is good at finding the warmest spot. The concrete next the steps radiates some good heat.

I started the peas indoors two weeks ago and moved them outside this weekend. I will plant them in the ground next week. Then I'll be enjoying peas before I know it!

Have you started dreaming about vegetable gardening yet?


  1. Oh my look at all the green stuff and a hummingbird already! So jealous...I was just glad to see only a few small patches of snow in the front (south facing) yard yesterday. sigh

  2. Ooh I wish I could have a veggie garden... I can only imagine that when I do have a yard, Ralph will just eat everything. Awesome about the Rufous Hummer and your peas! Looks like another couple of nice days!

  3. Awesome photos ! Our Robins are back in full forse to . Things are growing in my gardens now and the trees and Lilac bushes are ready to pop open any time ! Miggy and I go for our walks every day around our country village and in the woods that surround it there is so much nature here I love it ! Have a great day !


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