March 12, 2013

Ridgefield NWR

Monday was a great day to drive Ridgefield. There were hardly any people and the rain held off. It felt a little sleepy (see yawning Heron), but we ended up tallying 49 species of birds.

Afterwards we drove over to see the city owl and see if we could find any fluff balls. I could only see the single adult, but after uploading the photos I see there was a second owl I didn't notice!


  1. Awesome photos ! I love going in the woods and by the river here that is just steps way from our house with my camera and see what I can photograph . Thanks for sharing , have a good day !

  2. These photos are all so lovely. I especially like the squawking heron. What a nice capture :)

  3. I am too jealous for words! Lovely photos as always!


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