July 11, 2013

Good people, good birds

A Flickr friend and former high school teacher treated me to quite a sight yesterday. He and his wife know of a Green Heron nest. I happen to be passing through Stayton to visit my parents and I thought it would be fun to contact him and find out if there was any heron viewing to be had. Turns out the nest is *in his backyard!* Recently they have seen three chicks out on the branches. Yesterday they were being shy and I could only see two in the nest. So cool!

They live next door to a park and water channel off the Santiam River. I did a quick walk through the park.

At my parent's house:::

A number of their nest boxes have baby swallows. This Violet-green Swallow was especially cooperative for a photo. Later my mom emailed me that this same box had three heads peaking out after I left!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, super cool. Can't even imagine having green heron babies in my yard! The dogs would go apeshit and I would die of cuteness overload.


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